FIRST GRADE: Inventions

The inspiration and the perspiration. Let's study Thomas Edison. And then invent ourselves.

SECOND GRADE: Toys and Roller Coasters

Let's dissect and reverse engineer them. Let's design and create them. Let's imagine!

THIRD GRADE: Inventors

They say he wrangled lightning and invented bifocals. And that was just before breakfast. We'll start with Benjamin Franklin and move on to Da Vinci...

FOURTH GRADE: The Wright Three

Architecture, ghosts, pentonimoes, geometry, mysterious talismans, invisible men... One novel has them all.

FIFTH GRADE: Weslandia

What if you were in charge of rebuilding civilization from the ground up? Well now you are...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Student Challenge: Halving the Square

Waylon took the wrong measurements. To make his painting, he needs a square piece of paper 50 square inches in size, but he has one that is 100 square inches. How can Waylon make it the right size when he doesn't have a ruler or scissors?

For a blog point, place your answer in a closed envelope addressed to "Mr. Koch." Put your name and grade as the return address. Deliver it to Mr. Koch at school.

p.s. If you can't find me, your teacher can put it in my mailbox too!
p.p.s. You can add comments, but DON'T reveal your answer in the comments!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Word of the Week: "zenith"

To earn a "blog point," study the word below, then add a comment and use the word in a sentence. You must use correct punctuation, capitalization and the word must be used correctly. A funny sentence is OK as long as it makes sense and is rated PG!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fourth Grade Movie Trailers: They're "Pentominal!"

As you know from last week's status update, our 4th graders have been focusing on the geometrical tool set known as pentominoes. They are a crucial part of the plot in our novel The Wright Three but we are taking them even further. Most recently, students created large, 3-D pentominoes which we've been using to create "rooms" and spaces within the classroom.

Last week, we created movie trailers that revolved around pentominoes in some way. They could be characters themselves or just somehow part of the plot. They are very entertaining. We may have some future filmmakers in our midst. :) Enjoy!

Student Challenge: Missing Number

What is the missing number in this series?46, 10, 8229, 11, 4796, 15, 7854, 9, 7242, ???, 15

For a blog point, place your answer in a closed envelope addressed to "Mr. Koch." Put your name and grade as the return address. Deliver it to Mr. Koch at school.

p.s. If you can't find me, your teacher can put it in my mailbox too!
p.p.s. You can add comments, but DON'T reveal your answer in the comments!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Word of the Week: "slake"

To earn a "blog point," study the word below, then add a comment and use the word in a sentence. You must use correct punctuation, capitalization and the word must be used correctly. A funny sentence is OK as long as it makes sense and is rated PG!